
Posts Tagged ‘empowering’

Writing about the Intelligent Enterprise was slowly maturing with a stack of ideas playing tag in my mind. This post translates my view at the present and will, as we humans work, evolve with time. So stay tuned.

I recently tweeted “How a business rewards its employees says a lot on how it rewards its customers and v-v”. Today’s corporation leverages on service (throughout customer lifecycle) as a key differentiating factor. Yet, time and time again, businesses invest heavily on technology that bear the “client” tag or contract with top CRM consulting firms and believe, in so doing, that they’ll graduate from Client School.

It’s like getting the best quality ingredients for a Tiramisu recipe and thinking that the rest will happen by magic. It won’t. It starts with a passion for gastronomy followed (or preceded) by the joy of seeing your guests’ taste buds do the hoola-hoop. (more…)

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